Thursday, August 27, 2009

Worry Diseases And You

Situation 1
In my estimation (non medical expert opinion), FEAR causes worry. Worry makes you tense and nervous that affects the nerves of your stomach. Then change the gastric juices of your stomach from normal to abnormal condition. Often leads STOMACH ULCERS!
However, you do not get stomach ulcers from what you eat.You get ulcers from what is eating you!!
And What is eating you ????
Fear, worry, hate, selfishness, frustration and the inability to adjust yourselves to the world of reality. These were largely the causes of the stomach illness and stomach ulcers.
But please !!!! Don't think that i mean that their ills are imaginary. OF COURSE NOT !! Their ills as real as a throbbing toothache and sometimes a hundred times more serious. But, almost 70%
of all patients who came to physicians could cure themselves.....IF they GOT RID THEIR FEARS AND WORRIES from their lifes and mind.
Situation 2
Have you ever seen person with an acute over active Thyroid ???
Yes..i have, she's my own sister. I can tell you how she tremble, shake and sometimes look like someone half scared to death...and that's about what it amounts to.
The THYROID GLAND.. the gland that regulates the body, has been thrown out of kilter. It speed up the heart and the whole body is roaring away at the full blast like a furnace with all it's draught wide open.
If this isn't checked, by operation or treatment... The victim may"BURN THEMSELF OUT"
In fact, i believed that there's an emotional disturbance brought her on this condition?
Makes sense, doesn't it???
But WHY??? The answer is largely.....
Situation 3
The commonest condition that bring on the ARTHRITIS:
*Financial problem
* Loneliness
* Marital shipwreck
* Long cherished resentments
Situation 4
Worry may upset the body's calcium balance and cause TOOTH DECAY. Some doctor's say that cavities brought on by worry too.
Situation 5
Worry curdle the expression. It makes you clench your jaws and lines our faces with wrinkle. It form a permanent scowl. Also may turn your hair grey...Sometimes make it fall out. It can ruin the complexion. It can bring on all kinds skin problem such as pimples, rashes, eruption and etc.
Situation 6
No. 1 killer in the world today, HEART ATTACK ! Also brought on by worry and high tension living
"Iam not so foolish as to imagine that merely smiling can cure cancer or any other diseases.
BUT i do believe that a cheerful mental attitude helps the body fight them."
Sure, it works like plastic surgery (Temporarily only). Try it by yourself !!!
Come on... There's no use to struggle or worry!!